Nine. A relatively small number until you put it into context. Every day, nine lives are lost due to distracted driving. Driving is something that many of us do each day without putting in much thought or energy, almost like being on autopilot. Instead of using driving as a time to unwind, focusing on the road and getting to our destination safely, we are now consumed by distractions. Fortunately, you have the power to turn those distractions off…but will you?
According to TeenSafe, “there are 3,287 deaths each day due to fatal car crashes. On average, nine of these daily fatalities are related to distracted driving.” [1] That’s nine lives that could have been saved from distractions that are completely and unarguably avoidable. Every time you get behind the wheel you are taking a risk but it’s a risk over which you have some control. [READ MORE]